StrataGeotech is centered around the physical strata of the working environment and includes construction, repair, support and problem solving for your excavations.
With a variety of technologies and specialty chemicals from well-established partners, Strata is there to support your goals and help keep your operations safe and productive.
Strata offers a variety of resins, foams, spray-on liners and absorbent polymers for countless applications and problem-solving options. Rock consolidation and stabilization, water control, waterproofing, water removal.
Strata Worldwide was founded on its line of engineered secondary roof supports for underground mining. We offer options in timber, steel and concrete.
Pump the impossible with Brain Industries pneumatic vacuum pumps, available through Strata. Built to help with water, slurry & heavy solids management, materials transfer, and dust control. Intrinsically safe for gaseous environments.
High pressure and mechanical bulk dusters, portable and hand held dusters and a fully integrated automatic system for the pneumatic transfer and underground storage of bulk stone dust.
Differentiated concrete products for a variety of standard and specialty projects, both above and below ground.
Strata 3D Spray Panels are a fast and low cost option for constructing structures in both surface and underground mining. Ventilation stoppings and seals, containment walls, rooms, safety barriers.
The ultimate waterproofing solution for above grade, below grade and blind side applications in mining