
StrataGeotech is centered around the physical strata of the working environment and includes construction, repair, support and problem solving for your excavations.

With a variety of technologies and specialty chemicals from well-established partners, Strata is there to support your goals and help keep your operations safe and productive.

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    Specialty Resins, Polymers & Liners

    Strata offers a variety of resins, foams, spray-on liners and absorbent polymers for countless applications and problem-solving options. Rock consolidation and stabilization, water control, waterproofing, water removal.

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    Secondary Roof Support

    Strata Worldwide was founded on its line of engineered secondary roof supports for underground mining. We offer options in timber, steel and concrete.

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    Industrial Pneumatic Pumps

    Pump the impossible with Brain Industries pneumatic vacuum pumps, available through Strata. Built to help with water, slurry & heavy solids management, materials transfer, and dust control. Intrinsically safe for gaseous environments.

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    Stone Dusting Systems (Australia)

    High pressure and mechanical bulk dusters, portable and hand held dusters and a fully integrated automatic system for the pneumatic transfer and underground storage of bulk stone dust.

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    Concrete Placement

    Differentiated concrete products for a variety of standard and specialty projects, both above and below ground.

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    3D Spray Panels

    Strata 3D Spray Panels are a fast and low cost option for constructing structures in both surface and underground mining. Ventilation stoppings and seals, containment walls, rooms, safety barriers.

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    GTS Polymer Rubber Gel

    The ultimate waterproofing solution for above grade, below grade and blind side applications in mining