
Where Safety is Success™

For decades Strata has been a global leader in underground safety, developing and supplying products, systems and technologies designed for the dedicated purpose of increasing worker safety in the underground environment.

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    Emergency Refuge Shelters

    Strata Emergency Refuge Shelters are complete safety systems built for the vital purpose of providing an isolated atmosphere of safe breathable air in the event the air in the working section becomes contaminated or compromised.

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    Environmental Monitoring

    Strata deploys the latest technologies to continuously monitor and manage the conditions of the underground environment. These technologies provide real-time data and insights, along with active warning alerts to ensure the health and safety of teams working underground.

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    Proximity Detection & Collision Avoidance

    Promotes safer working practices through increased safety awareness and modified worker behavior.It helps to prevent machine-to-machine collisions and machine-to-person incidents, which in-turn improves overall productivity and efficiency of operations.

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    CSE & Biomarine Safety Products

    CSE Corporation's robust line of safety and emergency rescue products, and the Biomarine Biopak 240R are available through Strata Worldwide.